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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

Feedback on January 2014 On-Road Race

Feedback :  On- Road race :  12 January 2014.

Our day started when Henry left the house 15 minutes before 6 in the morning to sugar the track. The sugar was already dissolved the previous evening and the sugar distributing devise was attached to the lawnmower, so it went quite fast. And I don’t think he was finished with the sugaring, when the first contestant arrived at the gate.

From that point on things got a bit hectic, as usual.

Putting up the speakers, taking the electric power supply box out and all the usual preparations that are required from a track owner.

The online entries indicated that there might be less than 30, but eventually we were more than that. We would later learn that there were a bunch of guys that were unaware that there actually was a race organized…we would like to know how that had happened? Will have to check our mailing list… And we have also received some notifications of guys that were still on leave,.

Anyway, the weather behaved brilliantly and the atmosphere amongst the racers was better than in a long time. Lots of laughter and fun was at the order of the day.

Another trademark of this day was all the father-and-son combinations, enjoying this hobby as a family. There were Adriaan and AJ Johnsen, Danie and Daniël du Plessis, Warren and Chazlee Cooper, Jakkie and Jason Landsberg and of course husband-and- wife teams like my self and Henry and Tiny and Charmaine Wright. I forgot to ask Marius Burger where his young son Logan was. Also missing were John Steyn and his boy, Julian.

The youngest driver on this day was the mere 4 year old little boy, AJ Johnsen. At first he looked a bit scared of the height of the driver stand, but he didn’t back out and improved with every new round. Mooi so, AJ! En dankie aan pa Adriaan wat hom so vroeg aan die sport voorstel.

Classes in which were competed, were Electric Mini, Beginner class, 540 Touring, 21.5 Touring, 17.5 Touring, 13.5 Touring and there were also two nitro’s back at the track. Apparently there are quite a number of nitro guys that want to return to the track, which we are so pleased about.

After the race, a prize giving took place for the 6-month series, July to December 2013.

Trophies were given to:

540 Touring:

1. Chazlee Cooper

2. Warren Cooper

3. Lucas Dillschnitter (absent)

540 Touring

21.5 Touring;

1. Chazlee Cooper

2. Warren Cooper

3. Charmaine & Tiny Wright ( a tie!)

21.5 Touring

17.5 Touring:

1. Franco Gresele (absent)

2. André Steenekamp

3. Colin Maritz

17.5 Touring

Electric Mini:

1. Warren Cooper

2. Chazlee Cooper

3. Jason Landsberg


Electric Mini


January 2014 results:

13.5 class:

1. Marius Burger

2. Harry Wilesmith

3. Adriaan Johnsen

13.5 Touring

17.5 class:

1. Daniël du Plessis

2. Chazlee Cooper

3. Marius Burger

17.5 Touring

21.5 Touring class:

1. Charmaine Wright

2. Jaqcues Oelofse

3. Danie du Plessis

21.5 Touring

Electric 540 class:

1. Chazlee Cooper

2. Warren Cooper

3. Colin Maritz


540 touring

Electric Mini class:

1. Jason Landsberg

2. Daniël du Plessis

3. Warren Cooper


Electric Mini class

NB: Prizes/trophies are not handed out to classes with less than 5 entries.

There were less than 5 beginners and nitro entries, this month.

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