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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

March 2015 Nitro On Road

This race meeting was scheduled for March 22nd, and although it was quite wet, the computer was loaded with 19 entries. Water was swept off the track and the race started. Then the rain returned and the drivers began to doubt whether they should continue to race. A couple of guys went on racing, but with more and more rain pouring down, we stopped the race after one round of qualifiers.We then arranged a re-run for March 29th.


March 29th : Some rain did fall on Saturday, but on Sunday we were blessed with good weather conditions. However, 5 of the previous week’s drivers couldn’t make it again, for which we were very sad about. On the other hand, 4 guys who couldn’t make it on the 22nd were now able to come and race with us. And this time Henry and Ronel both entered with their 10 scales as well as their 8th scales and we had a total of 20 entries. Again we had 3 nitro classes, namely the 8th scale pan cars, the 8th scale nitro GT class and the 10th scale (also known as 200mm) nitro touring class.

Heat 1 Round 1 - 200mm Nitro Touring:

Brent Alexander won the race hands down. He completed 17 laps with a best lap time of 17.21 seconds. Wow, this guy is a pleasure to watch! I cannot remember what had happened to Bjorn Boogaard, but he retired from the race after 9 laps. That left Lucas Dillschnitter as Brent’s closest rival. Lucas ended 2nd with 3 laps less than Brent. Johan Barnard and Johnny Claes followed in close pursuit, but Johan beat Johnny with an average of .06 seconds. Johnny’s wife, Marika competed in her 1st ever nitro race and she managed to complete 9 laps. Jannie Holtzhausen also took part and kicked off with better than average lap times, but he also left the race after only 6 laps, after someone smashed into him from behind. The impact was so severe it even cracked the fuel tank in the front of his car. All his rear control arms were also broken. James Boogaard, Henry Ogden and Colleen Vorster did not start.

Heat 1 Round 2 -   200mm Nitro Touring:

Bjorn was now back and won the race with 19 laps completed, while it was Brent’s turn to be bothered by car trouble. Brent retired after a mere 4 laps….. A terrible disappointment to him. Lucas ended 2nd again, this time with two more laps than in the 1st round. Johan ended 3rd again, also with 2 more laps. Bjorn’s fastest lap was an amazing 16.99 seconds! The other 5 competitors were somewhat to the back and Colleen and Henry again did not start.

Heat 1 Round 3 - 200mm Nitro Touring:

Bjorn completed 18 laps and his best lap was 19.97 seconds. He ended 1st. Behind him was Lucas with 17 laps and Johan Barnard in 3rd with 16 laps. James did fine and ended 4th. With an average lap time of 24 seconds, he can be proud of himself. Jannie did not have a good race, although he re-joined the race after being out of it for 3 and a half minutes. With the other 7 drivers, things went from bad to worse, all encountering different degrees of car trouble.

1/8th Nitro GT :

Kobus won the 1st round with Ronel Bann behind him and Johan Barnard in 3rd place. Kevin Bann did a faster lap than Kobus, but he retired after only 3 laps.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kobus won the 2nd round as well. Now it was Kevin Bann in 2nd and Johan again in 3rd position.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Henry Ogden improved quite a bit on his own lap time when he came down from a 26 sec lap to 21.00 seconds. Kobus was the only driver that managed laps of less than 20 seconds in this round.

In the 3rd round Charmaine Wright took revenge and with Kobus not racing in this round, she took the opportunity to lead the race. Ronel stood her man…pardon… her woman and ended close behind Charmaine in 2nd place. Like in very, very close! Both had best laps of 20. something seconds, both achieved average lap times of 22. something and both complete 17 laps. Henry and Johan Barnard were also engaged in a small battle of their own, and the victor was…..drum roll……. Henry!

Their amount of laps completed and their fastest laps were almost similar, but Henry’s average lap times was about half a second faster. Kevin, after a late start, still managed to do 15 laps. He again boasts the best lap in this round.

1/8th Nitro pan cars.

Not much completion this month, unfortunately. In the absence of guys like Jason Landsberg and Nelis du Plessis, Kevin and Kobus had only each other to race against. And if I understood correctly, Kobus’s car was not up to scratch, so Kevin was sort of all on his own. In the 1st round Kevin raced 17 laps of which the fastest one was an impressive 17.77 seconds. In the 2nd round Kobus joined him and Kobus did 13 laps and Kevin equaled his earlier 17 laps. No one raced in the 3rd round.


A Final 10th scale:

30 minute race – Bjorn Boogaard gave an outstanding performance. He completed 90 breathtaking laps of which the average lap time was only 20 seconds!!!! His best lap – 16.71 seconds…Well done!

In 2nd place we saw Lucas Dillschnitter with 83 laps, also a driver to reckon with!

Brent Alexander was out of the race for 9 minutes after he broke a shock tower on his car, but he still returned for 7 more laps to the end of the race. Young James boasts 67 laps which include the 2 laps under the 20 seconds barrier. 9 of of his laps were less than 21 seconds. He also was out of the race for a couple of minutes, due to a flame out. So, after all, he raced very, very well. Good job, James!! Johan Barnard on the other hand did not have a good final race.

1st: Bjorn Boogaard

2nd: Lucas Dillschnitter

3rd: Brent Alexander


B Final 10th scale:

These 5 competitors are either totally new or fairly new to this hobby. Well done to Schalk Vorster who won the race by completing 52 laps. In 2nd place we had Marika Claes and 3rd her husband Johnny Claes.

1st: Schalk Vorster

2nd : Marika Claes

3rd: Johnny Claes


Final 1/8th Nitro GT:

André Steenekamp took the lead from the start and stayed there for 25 laps. (About one third of the race.) Then disaster struck and his car broke down. Slowly but surely Charmaine and Ronel crept closer and closer until they eventually took the top two positions.   For a long while Ronel clung tightly to the 2nd place, but after a while Henry took it away from her. Then Charmaine retired from the race due to car trouble, Kobus came into the picture (after his VERY late start) and the race started to get very exciting. Ronel claimed the 2nd place back and Kobus moved into the lead. Henry was pushed back into 3rd place. Johan Barnard took a predictable 4th place, while Kevin ended 5th after an almost 5 minute late start and another 4 and a half minute flame out. (or broken something) Charmaine ended in 6th place although she had retired from the race 9 minutes too early. Johnny Cleas completed 50 laps.

1st: Kobus Griesel

2nd: Ronel Bann

3rd: Henry Ogden

Final 1/8th Nitro Pan Cars:

Because Kevin was aware that Kobus’s pan car was by no means in any condition for serious racing, he just fooled around and he spent 1, 225 seconds with stop-and –go games with Kobus, who tried his level best to keep his car on the tar.

Below: Kevin Bann with his 1/8th pan car



Our monthly winner for the best presented RC body was Bjorn Boogaard. Congratulations!

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