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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

May 2015 Elec On Road

Can you believe it; no sweeping of water from the track this month! It was actually a very nice day at the track. When the squatting list was printed, we had a total of 54 entries, divided into 2 TTO1 stock classes, 2 Electric Mini classes, one 540 touring class, two 21.5 touring classes and one biggish 17.5 touring class.


We welcomed 2 newcomers to our monthly race: Bennie Viviers, a relatively pro from Meyersdal and the 4 year old Johnrique Claes. The two schoolboys, Enrico Hansen and Logan Burger honored us with their presence once again, when their parents, who are regular drivers, managed to get them out of bed early enough for this month’s race. Haha. Then we had Frans Fourie and Theo Kleinhans back as well. These two had only been here once or twice before. Franco Greselle also made a comeback, but unfortunately we didn’t have a class for his 13.5 motor.

Heat 1 - Electric TTO1 Stock:

Two kids and two ladies were competing in this class. The 4 year old Johnrique took part for the 1st time ever and he improved on his best lap times quite dramatically. He started with a 40 seconds lap in the first round and was boasting a 32 sec lap in the 3rd round. Mooi so, Johnrique. Wonder wat die toekoms vir hom inhou; ek is seker hy gaan nog kringe om ons ry!

Heat 2 – TTO1 Stock:

Anette and Charmaine raced with and/or against Bennie Viviers and Schalk Vorster. Bennie is obviously a much more experienced driver than the other three. And if I remember correctly, he decided to even use a not-so-fast car for the remainder of the day, because his lap times were in a totally different league than his opponents. Charmaine is usually a better than average driver, but on this day she had numerous problems with her car and I think that she was very disturbed by that. Anette managed a fastest lap of 22.8 seconds and she was quite chuffed with herself. Schalk improved on his personal best lap with every round.

Heat 3 – Electric Mini;

Piet du Toit, who made a comeback to RC racing last month, was undoubtedly the best man in this class. Because of his 3 year absence, he was put with the beginners. What a mistake?! He won all three qualies and also boasts the fastest lap in this class – 21.95 seconds. Lucas Dillschnitter was however in hot pursuit close behind Piet. He ended 2nd in all three rounds. His best lap was a more than adequate 22.16 seconds.

Heat 4 - Electric Mini:

The drivers in this heat are the ones with more racing experience. Jason Landsberg dominated this heat like Piet did in the other Mini class. Jason’s fastest lap on this day was 20.4 seconds. Pheww!! That is a good driver with a fast Mini! Unfortunately his dad, Jakkie Landsberg experienced steering problems with his car throughout the day. Kevin Bann was also aiming for that 1st place on the podium, but it did not happen THIS month.

Heat 5 – 540 touring:

A rather big difference in the level of skills amongst these drivers. Anette and Marika are not yet at the same level as Charmaine and the gents. But as we all know; some of the better drivers may just encounter problems and the lesser skilled can outshine them on that day. At least both Anette and Marika had a couple of 23 second laps, so they are getting there, slowly but sure. Lucas Dillschniter and Jakkie Landsberg got out of the starting blocks with excellent lap times: 19.31 and 19.35 respectively. That was in the 1st round. Neither of them could however improve on that during the other two qualifying rounds. Charmaine and Tiny took turns to DNS. Although Tiny did show us what he was able of, when he won the 2nd round.

Heat 6 – 21.5 Touring:

The competitors in this heat were of a more equally level of skills. There was less than a 2 second difference in their average lap times. No two rounds saw the same names in the top 3 positions. This was hectic!! I don’t know what was wrong with this Bennie guy (or shall I say what was wrong with his car) because his lap times varied from a couple of 18 second laps, a couple of 19 second laps, to a few in the high twenties and even one of 31 seconds! Anyway, the fastest lap in this heat belongs to Bennie Viviers– 18.52

Heat 7 - 21.5 Touring:

This heat saw some stiff competition! It is almost impossible to pick a leader from this group. Harry Wilesmith won round 1 and 2. Kevin Bann ended 2nd in round 2 and 3. Gert Swart ended 3rd in rounds 2 and 3, but won in round 3. See what I mean? But looking at the TQ position for the Final squatting list, it was Harry who did best. I am not willing to award a fastest lap out of this group, because, looking at the results I suspect something to be not right here. Just to explain why I am saying this: I do not see how a driver can truly have a lap of 13 seconds, while his average time is 20 seconds. Any person who knows this sport will tell you that this doesn’t add up…

Heat 8 - 17.5 touring:

Here we saw lap times that varied from 16.59 (Franco) to mid twenties and even 30’s. (someone else) The average lap time in this class, though, is 17 to 18 seconds. That is what we normally see from people like, Harry, Gert, Marius, André, Jason etc. It is always a thrill, watching these guys race. Unfortunately there were incidents that caused some of the drivers in this class to withdraw from the rest of the day’s Final races. Apparently some of the guys feel that they were taken out intentionally. We are very sorry that this had happened.


Please accept my apologies for the bad quality photos...the sun seemed to be tired and went to bed early...haha. No, the real reason was:

The last race only finished17h36...and then we still had to do the prize giving. And to get everyone back together for that is always an impossible mission...why..I really don't know!?

B Final TTO1 Stock Overall :

A bit controversial, because there is reason to belief that Enrico was not driving a TTO1. I think his TTO1 broke, so he continued racing with another car. I am not entirely sure about my facts. But I do know that Enrico was hoping to enter into a Beginner class, but on this day we didn’t have a beginner class.

  1. Enrico Hansen
  2. Marika Claes
  3. Colleen Vorster


A Final TTO1 Stock Overall :

  1. Bennie Viviers Best lap – 22.49s
  2. Charmaine Wright
  3. Anette Ogden


B Final Mini Overall :

  1. Jakkie Landsberg Best lap – 22.35
  2. Ewald vd Neut
  3. Colleen Vorster


A Mini Final Overall :

  1. Jason Landsberg best lap – 20.7 s
  2. Lucas Dillschnitter
  3. Piet du Toit


540 touring Overall:

  1. Lucas Dillschnitter Best lap - 19.14s
  2. Bennie Viviers
  3. Johnny Claes


B Final 21.5 Touring Overall:

  1. Bennie Viviers Best lap - 18.73s
  2. Kevin Gates
  3. Charmaine Wright


A Final 21.5 Touring Overall:

  1. Harry Wilesmith   best lap - 18.48 s
  2. Kevin Bann
  3. Frans Fourie


17.5 Touring Overall results:

  1. 1.Jason Landsberg
  2. 2.Harry Wilesmith   Best lap – 16.58s
  3. 3.André Steenekamp


Best presented RC Body of the day: Ronel Bann  Congrats!


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