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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

RCX at Meyerton Raceway Oct 2015

This will be my first race report on a RCX challenge since we (Meyerton- and Avion Raceway) started it a couple of years ago. Our regular followers on this website seem to enjoy my monthly reports on our club’s off- road, on-road electric and on-road nitro races. So, as long as you will accept this boertjie’s best effort on yet another English race report, here we go:

Not the biggest cross challenge, but certainly the nicest one, according to me. The least dust, thanks to the ‘muti’ that Henry and our garden helper have tediously spread on the track over the last couple of weeks. And yes, it was costly, but that is not your problem is it..? Anyway, it allowed for new track records to be broken, which was definitely a highlight of this weekend for many. And we as track owners are thrilled about it, even though we realize that it was heavy on tyres. Sorry…

Then it was also the most relaxed race. Maybe it is because we’ve done it so many times before. Maybe it was because we had the help of André and Kevin in race control. Or it could even have been due to the fact that we (almost) didn’t have anyone who came to race control, trying to make selfish suggestions or laid some irrational complaints. Or all of the above?

In my race reports I always mention the weather; because it really affects the way we see and remember a race. In our minds a sunny, even HOT day, equals “good weather” and cold, wet or windy days are always seen as “bad weather”. Well, this weekend will certainly qualify as GOOD weather.

Competitors started arriving at the track from 7am, although the confirming of entries was only due to start at 11 and the official qualifiers only at around 12h30. But they were expected, so we were ready for them.

A couple of ‘regulars’ were sorely missed at this competition, but we have empathy with their problem of having to work on a Saturday morning and for that reason we plan to make it a one day race again from next year on (like it used to be)

The seeding list was printed just after 12 noon. The 52 drivers were split into 3 Nitro Buggy classes, one electric buggy class (12 names) and two nitro truggy classes.

Heat 1: Electric buggy:

The best performer in this class during the 4 qualifier heats was Thomas Schmuck. He raced a brilliant best lap of 41.25 seconds, amongst 4 laps that were of less than 42 seconds. All of these extremely fast laps were in Round 2. Unfortunately Thomas couldn’t repeat or better this performance in the 3 Final legs on Sunday.

Pedro Maldonado and Cameron Balie were Thomas’s closest contestants, although most every driver in this class was performing at their peak.. 

Danie de Swart (well known Secunda driver and hobby shop owner) couldn’t attend the qualifiers, but joined the Final legs on Sunday. He ended 3rd in the 1st final leg, 2nd in the 2nd leg and then 1st in the 3rd and last leg. Mooi man!

Overall results in Electric Buggy:

1st  : Thomas Schmuk

2nd : Danie de Swart

3rd : Cameron Balie

Heat 2 : Nitro buggy:

Qualifiers: A couple of names appeared in the top positions time after time. They were (randomly) Mark Jooste, Fred Cannon, Johan van Zyl, Tertius van Rooyen, Jakkie Landsberg and Attie de Jager. Out of these drivers the fastest lap was raced by …drum roll…… local driver, Tertius van Rooyen. 44.35 seconds.

Heat 3: Nitro buggy:

Qualifiers: NOW we really need a drum roll!! In the 1st round of this heat Calvin Barnard probably broke all previous Meyerton Raceway records by doing a fastest lap of just 41.96 seconds (lap 3) !!! He unfortunately also got a penalty in the same round,near to the end of the race, because apparently somebody accidently carried his car over the transponder line. That cost him a guaranteed 1st place. Bad stuff happen to good people, sorry about that. But that fastest lap was by no means an accident, because the very next lap was only tenths of a second slower. Calvin also won Round 3. This clearly tells a story... Singing his praise, however, doesn’t take away the fact that he was strongly contested by Thomas Schmuk, Cameron Balie and MJ Schoeman. In actual fact; every driver in this group was capable of laps in the mid 40’s... Great stuff, guys!

Heat 4: Nitro Buggy:

Qualifiers: Martinette, JP Pessoa and Jacques Brits took turns to lead the race. Kobus Griesel and Johnny Claes also made their appearance in the top 3 positions. Fastest lap: 44.28 belongs to JP Pessoa and that earned him a place in the A Mains. 6th in A Final, to be exact! Well done, JP. 

Heat 5: Nitro Truggy:

Qualifiers: Fred Cannon, a guy that originates from Mandalay club, KZN, won 3 out of the 4 qualifier rounds. Fred was relentlessly challenged by Martin van Rooyen, Johnny Claes and Shannon Hopkins.

However; the best lap in the 4 rounds of this heat belongs to Jason Landsberg -  47.07 sec.

Heat 6 : Nitro Truggy:

I was about to say that Albie (also known as Lammie) Greyvenstein, Wayne Smith and Allan Dyer dominated this whole heat, but then, in round 4, Wayne did not start and Kobus Griesel moved into 3rd place. Lammie’s fastest lap in Round 1 couldn’t be bettered by neither himself nor one of his rivals, so 43.17 is the best lap for the Truggies in the qualifiers. Pretty impressive!!!!!!! Mooi Lammie!

Lammie obviously TQ’ed for the Finals on Sunday, when all Truggies were put in the same race.

Nitro Truggy -  Overall results:

  1. Albie Greyvenstein
  2. Shannon Hopkins
  3. Fed Cannon


C Final Buggy :

A bit of a STRANGE place to see Danie, but we all know that not taking part in the qualifiers caused this… Being a hobby shop owner 100 km away from the venue didn’t leave him any options, did it? As for Stephen Smith; he just had a terrible qualifying day …

  1. Danie de Swart
  2. Stephen Smith
  3. Schalk Vorster


B Final Buggy:

Mark Jooste was well on his way to win this race, but having a late start and then a flame out of almost 3 minutes took its toll. Mark boasts the fastest lap of this race – 47 seconds straight. Well done! Better luck next time. By the way, I think this was Mark’s 1st RCX this year. Of our local guys, (Meyerton Raceway) Johnny Claes impressed with a 48.76 lap, but he unfortunately had to retire early due to a broken, actually a BURST diff on his X Ray! So sorry, but congrats any way! That left Martinette Huggett to win the race. Good for you, Martinette. You’ve been working long and hard for this achievement!


  1. Martinette Huggett
  2. Fred Cannon
  3. Mark Jooste

Buggy A Final:

In the absence of Miguel Haasbroek, the Couzies and Tiaan Oelofse, things looked a bit different this time around. It would have been nice to see what they would have done with this perfect surface… But here is the results of those who WERE here:

  1. Calvin Barnard
  2. MJ Schoeman
  3. Jason Landsberg

Congrats to the drivers that TQ’ed:

Thomas TQ in Electric Buggies

Schalk Vorster TQ in Nitro Buggy C mains

Mark Jooste TQ in Nitro Buggy B mains

Thomas Schmuk TQ in Nitro Buggy A mains

Albie Greyvenstein TQ in Nitro Truggies

The weekend’s race was done and dusted at 13h24 and after prize giving not all of the guys were in a hurry to leave. Instead they enjoyed more laps on the fast flowing track surface.

Thanks again to Henry for all the effort to provide a nice track, Andre in race control and Kevin Bann on commentating. I (Anette) merely took the photos and ran the tuck shop. A lovely, trouble free RCX!

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