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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

May 2016 On Road Nitro club race

We can never guess who is going to show up at a Nitro race these days, and this race meeting was no different. When the computer was eventually set for the race to start, we had 5 people in the 10th scale group and 8 in the 8th scale Nitro GT group. I say eventually, because there was no rush to start and we knew that it was going to be smooth sailing through the 3 qualifier heats and the 30 minute Final for each class. (Not as many classes as with Electric On Road)  And so the race got started shortly before 10am. Good weather was at the order of the day and everyone was in good spirit.

 ATTENTION: Please take note that the 8th scale GT race today was won by a person with a STOCK 21 three port pull start GO motor.  Those who always cries about SPEC motors; What do you have to say now? There were 21 Reds Racing motors, 25 motors, 28 motors and name brands like Novarossi and Force in the same heat! Henry says he rest his case.






Heat 1 Round 1 – 200mm Nitro Touring:

When Stephen Smith and Jason are in the same heat, one can be sure of amazing excitement. But oh dear, even though Stephen managed to do super fast laps, such as  15.40 seconds,   his car just would not allow him to finish the race. Jason beat the rest of his rivals by far. Stephen, despite his car trouble, ended in 2nd place. Marika Claes, back at the track after a long absence, ended 3rd. Ewald van der Neut was bothered by a flameout or two and ended 4th. Piet du Toit did not start. Jasons’ fastest lap – 15.52 sec.

Heat 1 Round 2 - 200mm Nitro Touring:

This time around Jason was also weighed down by flame outs, but he still managed to win the race again. Piet now overcame whatever prevented him from racing in the 1st heat and he ended in 2nd place. Marika took 3rd again, with several laps of 19 seconds and even two in less than 19 seconds! Well done!!  Ewald got two laps more than in the 1st round. Stephen drove even faster than before, but car trouble forced him to retire early. Stephen’s quickest lap – 15.34 sec.

Heat 1 Round 3 – 200mm Nitro Touring:

Marika won this race, because she and her car just kept going, while everyone else had numerous flame outs. And while she was at it, she sommer improved on her own previous best lap time. She boasts a lap of 18.73 seconds amongst the 15 that she completed.

200mm Nitro Touring FINAL:

Car 1 – Jason Landsberg won the race. GREAT NEWS:  He broke all previous Meyerton Raceway records in this class, when he completed 105 laps in half an hour. 22 of those were in less than 16 seconds. He also broke his own previous best lap time – 15.21 seconds.  Congratulations with your extraordinary achievement, Jason. We are all very happy for you! And proud of you.

Car 2 – Marika Claes was out of the Final race for more than a minute, but she recovered from that very quickly and completed 79 laps. She again bettered her own previous best lap time – 18.40 sec. Wow, congrats, Girl!!

Car 3 – Stephen Smith’s car let him down yet again. 5 times he was out of the race…all in all 556 seconds lost…that makes it more than 9 minutes, which means a third of the race. Ouch!! Yet, he still managed to do 77 laps, and amongst them, he boasts a super fast lap time of 15.11 seconds! What can I say:   If you are good…you are GOOD!!  

Car 4 – Piet du Toit ended 4th, after having trouble with his car. But what was more frustrating, was the trouble that he had with his personal transponder that kept on missing some laps, all through the day….working on and off. He nevertheless did over 70 laps. Hope that you, and us, if necessary, can solve the problem before next month, Piet.  (Just need to say that the club transponder that he fitted in his car, never failed to pick up laps.)

Car 5 – Ewald van der Neut had a late start, had a flame out early on in the race, left the race for almost 5 minutes at one stage, but still completed 63 laps. All those 19 second laps in between the 20’s and 21’s, and even one of 18.83 sec, show that you are indeed a VERY talented driver. Well done, despite the obstacles.

200mm FINAL


Heat 2 Round 1  - 1/8 Nitro GT:

André Steenekamp won the race. Charmaine ended 2nd and Henry 3rd. Johnny Claes did 14 extremely fast laps, but those quick ones were unfortunately interrupted by a few nasty flame outs. What a pity!?  Jannie Holtzhausen had to retire early, probably caused by something that broke on his car.Sorry! Jakkie Landsberg also retired after only 6 laps, probably due to the same reason. Wayne Smith and Jacques Brits Did Not Start. Fastest lap in this round : Johnny – 17.42 WOW!!

Heat 2 Round 2  - 1/8 Nitro GT:

Wayne joined the race and he did so in style! He won the race hands down. Best lap – 16.51 sec.

Johnny showed his skills again and ended 2nd. Best lap now – 17.41 sec.

Charmaine ended 3rd, but with no disgrace attached to that, because she succeeded in doing some of her quickest laps ever! 17.93 sec. Well done!

Jacques Brits also joined the race and completed it with no major incidents. His best lap – 17.90 sec.

Henry Ogden completed 15 laps and boasts a personal best for him – 18.81 sec. Well done!

André had a VERY late start, more than 80 seconds that influenced him negatively.

Jannie had car trouble yet again..he nevertheless can be quite happy with a fastest lap of 18.45 sec.

Jakkie did not start.

Heat 2 Round 3  - 1/8 Nitro GT:

No real mistakes made by Wayne and he had another victory to show for that.

Andre overcame his problems and eased into 2nd place.

Charmaine, back in 3rd place, improved some more on her personal best lap time – 17.41 sec. NICE!!!!

Jacques had a good round – 16 uninterrupted laps.

Henry also improved on his previous best – 18.78 sec. Mooi man…geweet jy kan!

Jakkie stayed on the track for 7 laps before he was forced to leave…so sorry..

Johnny and Jannie did not start.

FINAL  - 1/8 Nitro GT:

Johnny and Jannie both experienced transponder problems, which affected their results negatively..

Charmaine won the race; a dream came true for her!! Well done.Jakkie COMPLETELY shed his car trouble that pestered him all day long. He did 87 beautiful laps and ended 2nd.  Congrats!

Wayne wasn’t so lucky: he lost four and a half valuable minutes that cost him dearly. But that doesn’t take away the honor of him boasting the best lap of the day in this class: 16.36 seconds.GREAT! Well done!


A nice, warm and even almost- too- hot autumn day at the track. A nice and relaxed atmosphere existed, which is all that we as track owners want for our members and visitors. Thank you all, you make everything worthwhile.

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