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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

July 2016 Electric On Road club race

A brrrrrrrr cold start to this race day! But you all know racers, uhhmmm,  excluding the Wrights, of course…!   They want to be where the RC race is, not at home where the warm blankets are…   So they were here at the track. But I would bet money on it that a number of them regret their decision, especially when an unpleasant wind started to blow!  Shame…

We as organizers were quite eager to see what the day would bring, because there were a handful of new guys that were joining us for the first time.  We want to extend a warm welcome to Michael Glaus, his friend Herman Wepener Jr, and Herman’s dad, Herman Sr.   The other new driver was Mikey Nel, younger brother of Chris Nel and son of Hannes Nel. We really hope that you have enjoyed racing with us and that you will continue doing so in the future.

Unfortunately my grandson, whom I was telling you about last month, could not participate this month, because his stepdad who also races here by us, was in hospital. Okay, he – Paul Langenhoven - was discharged on Saturday, but he was by no means well enough to be out in the cold already. We sincerely hope that Victor and Paul will be able to join us in August. And because Victor couldn’t be here, we had to put our other little novice (Beginner driver) in the TTO1 class. Sorry, Nathan.

Heat 1 Round 1  - Electric Mini class:

Jakkie Landsberg beat both his son Jason and Piet du Toit to the winning line.

Piet ended in 2nd place, but it was so close, only .01 of a second slower than Jakkie in average!!

Jason, in 3rd place had a very late start .

Michael Glaus DNS  (Did not start)  

Best lap – Jakkie with 22.44 s

Heat 1 Round 2  - Electric Mini class:

Jakkie won again, this time with Jason behind him. Michael participated this time and he ended 3rd. Piet had problems with the front diff that caused trouble and he had to quit the race after only 2 laps. Best lap – Jakkie with a 21.47s. Well done, MiniMan.

Leg 1 of Mini Final:

Almost a repeat of Round 2, with the exception of Piet that DNS. Oh and Michael achieved one more lap than in Round 2 and also improved with 4seconds on his average lap time. Good job!   MiniMan’s quickest lap – 21.19.

Leg 2 of Mini Final:

Jakkie won yet again with his son Jason in 2nd place. Michael ended 3rd again, while Piet was still not able to resolve his Mini’s problems. Jason achieved his best lap – 22.09s  -  for the day in this class, but it was not fast enough to beat his dad’s 21.19

Overall Mini results:

  1. Jakkie Landsberg
  2. Jason Landsberg
  3. Michael Glaus


Heat 2 Round 1 – 540 Touring:

Jakkie Landsberg excelled again; He did 17 beautiful laps and won the race. His average lap time was 21.4 s and his quickest lap was 19.93s

Anzea, recently moved out of the Beginner class and rightfully so. She ended 2nd.

Nathan Steyn was accidently in this class but was moved to a more appropriate class.

Anette’s car forced her to quit after she broke a front hub and drive shaft after 5 laps.

Herman Wepener Sr , in his 1s ever race, only completed 1 lap, while he was still sorting out his car.

Heat 2 Round 2 – 540 Touring:

Jakkie preformed even better now; completing one more lap and improved both his average and best laps. Best lap now 19.23 and his average 20.51 seconds.

Herman Sr got the hold of RC competition racing and completed 12 laps.

Anette convinced Henry to repair her car in the mean time. She did 7 laps before the servo blew, just as Henry expected… Then she (that’s me) was out for the rest of the day. At least 3 relatively good laps of 22 seconds as consolation..

Anzea picked up car trouble and quit the race after 5 laps.

Leg 1 of 540 Touring Final:

Jakkie in the lead with Anzea 3 laps behind him and Herman Sr in 3rd place.

Anette out of the race.

Final 540 Touring leg:

Jakkie won the race once again, Anzea 2nd and Herman Sr in 3rd again. But this time Herman succeeded in doing a couple of 25 second laps and even one of 24.6 seconds. As you may know, I consider drivers with the capability of doing laps of less than 25 seconds as a proper driver and not a novice anymore. Good for you!

540 Touring Overall results:

  1. Jakkie Landsberg
  2. Anzea Pretorius
  3. Herman Wepener Sr


Heat 3 Round 1 – TTO1 Stock :

Chris Nel had a comfortable win. He completed 16 laps. Best lap 21.23 sec.

Rolan Ferreira in 2nd place and Michael(Mikey) Nel in 3rd.

Nathan Steyn (8) couldn’t break through the 25 seconds barrier this time, like he did a couple of months ago. Maybe later in the day?? Let’s see….

Henry broke a side shaft on his TTO1 and was out of the race for the rest of the day.

Hannes Nel did his warm-up and everything seemed fine, but as the race started, something went wrong and according to the race result print out, he did not complete any more laps within the actual race.

Heat 3 Round 2 – TTO1 Stock :

Rolan beat Chris after he completed 17 laps and Chris ended 2nd after he equaled his previous 16 laps. Mikey in 3rd place again.

Nathan did way better this time!! He got two more laps. Hannes ended 4th after doing 6 laps before he quit.  Rolan’s best lap – 20.64s.

Leg 1 of TTO1 Final:

Chris in the lead again with a fastest lap of 20.95s.  This time his dad, Hannes had an excellent race; he ended 2nd after completing 17 beautiful laps. He can be so proud of his average lap time of 22 seconds! Rolan ended 3rd. Mikey was 4th and Nathan 5th.

Final TTO1 leg:

Rolan won the race and he also boasts his personal best lap of the day – 20.53s.  Chris ended 2nd and Hannes 3rd. Then came Mikey in 4th and Nathan in 5th. But this time Nathan achieved quite a few laps of less than 25 seconds. Well done, young man!

TTO1 overall results:

  1. Chris Nel
  2. Rolan Ferreira
  3. Hannes Nel


Heat 4 – Round 1 -  17.5 Electric Touring:

Jason Landsberg had to fight off Marius for the 1st place in this race, but he managed to do just that. Their average lap time as well as their amount of laps completed was exactly the same, but Jason had a couple of faster laps and that landed him a 1st place. André Steenekamp was in 3rd place with a very confident youngster, Michael Glaus in 4th. Jakkie Landsberg must have encountered some troubles halfway through this race, because I can see one longish lap, which obviously cost him dearly.  Herman Wepener Jr. kicked off pretty well in his 1st ever race, but he also lost some precious time when he was out of the race for almost a minute. He nevertheless completed 11 laps, of which one was in less than 20 seconds. Great stuff!  Fastest lap in this round: Jason – 16.51s.

Heat 4 – Round 2  -  17.5 Electric Touring:

1st three places the same as in round 1, but all three with improved lap times. Lekker!!

Jakkie now swapped places with Michael. Herman jr. had a VERY late start.

Fastest lap in this round: Jason – 16.36s.

Leg 1 of 17.5 Final:

1st three place the same, again. Both Marius and André had faster lap times than before. Michael back in 4th place forced Jakkie back to 5th . Herman Jr. drove much better now and completed 14 laps. His average now down to only 24.79s. Well done!!

Final 17.5 leg:

Marius Burger took the lead over from Jason with .02 of a second! André now in his customary 3rd place, but with the good news of his breaking through the 18 seconds barrier. Jakkie back in 4th place. Herman Jr. boasts a best lap of less than 19 seconds, wow! And Michael did not start.

17.5 overall results:

1.   Marius Burger

2.   Jason Landsberg

3.   André Steenekamp


Heat 5 Round 1 – 21.5 Electric Touring:

Kevin Gates won this round comfortably, although his fastest lap - 19.33 - was not as fast as Rolan Ferreira’s 18.88s. Piet du Toit did 4 laps, and then he was out of the race for almost the entire race and came back for one more lap. I like a guy with such sportsmanship.

Heat 5 Round 2 – 21.5 Electric Touring:

Kevin in the lead again, this time with Piet in 2nd position. Although Rolan ended 3rd, he once again boasted the quickest lap – 18.41s.

1st leg of 21.5 Final:

Piet won this race hands down – 19 laps.  Kevin -15 laps -  was out of the race for 96 seconds with disastrous consequences. He ended 2nd. Poor Rolan lost 232 seconds….Very, very disappointing for this guy. Even though he only completed only 8 laps, he still boasts the fastest laps in this round.

Final leg – 21.5 Touring:

Kevin Gates won the race. Piet equaled Kevin’s 19 laps and ended 2nd. Rolan, with fewer problems in this round, ended 3rd.

 21.5 Overall results:

  1. Kevin Gates
  2. Piet du Toit
  3. Rolan Ferreira


Heat 6 Round 1 – 13.5 Touring:

Marius Burger had to conquer a handful of pretty fast rivals to win this round. He did so by being the only one to show off a best lap of less than17 seconds…for now. Chris Nel 2nd with a fastest lap of 17.22s and Hannes Nel in 3rd with a best lap of 17.84s

 Then came Jason Landsberg with Bjorn Boogaard behind him. (I think Jason was trying out a newly acquired car in this class.) But all 5 guys did splendid..very fast cars with very skilled drivers!

Marius’s best lap – 16.92s.

Heat 6 Round 2 – 13.5 Touring:

Marius got another win, this time with one more lap and an even faster best lap – 16.38s. Chris, 2nd place, also improved on his best lap – 16.85s. Jason moved one place up and Hannes one place down. Bjorn ended 5th again, but he also did faster lap times.

In actual fact: Every driver improved on their lap time in this round. Well done!

Leg 1 of 13.5 Final:

Marius won comfortably with a lap more than before and also succeeded in driving even faster

laps. Best lap – 16.24s

Jason moved into 2nd place with a lap more than in his qualies and breaking through the 17 second barrier for the 1st time today. (He is famous for 15 second lap times)

Bjorn moved into 3rd place while Hannes had to be complacent with a 4th place.  Chris picked up car trouble and retired from the race after 10 laps.  

Final leg of 13.5 Touring:

Marius in his famous 1st place. Best lap of all classes for the day- 16.11 seconds. Way to go!!

Chris, back in action and faster than ever before, took 2nd place and Hannes 3rd. Hannes missed the 16 seconds barrier by .04 of a second. You are almost there, well done!

Jason had to be content with 4th place and Bjorn with 5th.  You guys are all very fast and we are very proud of you.  Keep it up!

Overall results – 13.5 Touring:

  1. Marius Burger
  2. Jason Landsberg
  3. Hannes Nel


Best presented RC Car of the Day: Marius Burger   Congratulations! 

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