Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.
A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.
Meyerton Raceway hosted a very enjoyable RCX Challenge on Sunday 4th September. Because it was only one week after the National event in Midrand, there was more than just a bit reason to have concerns about the amount of entries that we would draw. But although there was a request for us to postpone, track owner Henry refused, because our dates were already out – and published – before the National dates were even decided upon. So we stuck to our original race date and were pleased with the 33 entries. The only drawback was the fact that we didn’t have an electric buggy class this time. The three guys that entered for it collectively decided to give it a miss.
The race was advertised in a local advertising magazine and we draw more spectators than with normal club events. It is always a good thing, because it draws new interest into this hobby.
Track condition:
The drivers seemed very much pleased with the condition of the track. In actual fact; they’ve expressed their approval over and over again. The stuff Henry uses on the track ( I think it is called Dust-Tech) was very effective in holding down the dust. No driving goggles or handkerchiefs to be seen!
There was a huge difference in the amount of online entries and the actual entries on the day, which could have led to a catastrophic shortage of food. But we are pleased to announce that the food was enough to provide for everyone. Yippeeee!!
As you all know; the atmosphere at a track can get quite unpleasant amongst the drivers when the rules are not clear and the organizers deviate from the set rules. It was proven once again that the drivers want to be 100% sure of what was to be expected; no unforeseen changes… Not very likely to happen at Meyerton Raceway!! Henry is the one person you can trust to stick to the rules decided upon at the beginning of a series. Personally, I can honestly say that it was by far the most pleasant off road race that I’ve attended in 2016!
New drivers:
A handful of new drivers showed up to compete in this (4th?) leg of this year’s RCX Challenge. Some of the names I can think of: Shaun Bands, Willem Basson, Reynard Ceronio and Charl Kemp. I am not sure about Kyle Stofberg and Ivan Nel.. We really hope that you guys have enjoyed the day with us. We would like to see you again in future!
Trophy for Best Presented RC body:
The organizers at Meyerton Raceway asked a person we thought was quite unbiased to choose his favorite RC body and he chose Chris’s Truggy. Congratulations!
Heat 1 Round 1 Nitro Buggy:
We’ve started this round with 8 drivers. Jakkie Landsberg won the race with Henry Ogden in 2nd and Ewald vd Neut in 3rd place. Willem Basson ended in 4th, while Reynard Ceronio and Jannie Holtzhausen could not complete the race. Gerhard Fourie and Shaun Bands did not start.
Fastest lap – Jannie Holtzhausen 51.19s.
Heat 1 Round 2 – Nitro Buggy:
Shaun Bands took the lead away from Jakkie, who now encountered car troubles. Henry stayed in 2nd place. Jannie Holtzhausen overcame his problems and completed the whole race, ending 3rd. Apart from Jakkie’s bad luck and Gerhard Fourie who DNS, the rest had far less trouble than in round 1. Quickest lap : Shaun – 48.57s. Well done!
Heat 1 Round 3 – Nitro Buggy:
Jakkie Landsberg took the lead back and ended in a well deserved 1st place. Jannie pushed Henry down one place, ending 2nd and Henry 3rd. Fastest lap in this round: Shaun Bands – 50.79s
Heat 2 Round 1 - Nitro Buggy:
Danie de Swart (Secunda’s Hobby Spot owner) won this race, with Pedro Maldonado in 2nd position and Stephen Smith in 3rd. Gavin McLean and Attie de Jager both had trouble free races and each completed 7 fine laps. Gavin Leisching had to quit from the race after 3 laps and Piet du Toit did not start. Best lap : Danie -43.39s
Heat 2 Round 2 - Nitro Buggy:
Pedro took the lead in this race after something went wrong for Danie, close to the end of the race. Stephen then moved into 2nd place and Danie had to be content with 3rd place. The two Gavins and Attie had pretty satisfactory races but Piet was still battling. Quickest lap: Danie- 44.09s
Heat 2 Round 3 - Nitro Buggy:
Danie reclaimed his 1st place with Pedro once again behind him and now we saw Gavin McLean in 3rd. Piet du Toit had a much better race and completed the race this time around, succeeding in doing a best lap time of 49.07sec. Good for you!! Attie and Gavin Leisching were still doing pretty good for themselves. Stephen got his turn to deal with car trouble. Fastest lap: Danie (again) – 44.50s
Heat 3 Round 1 - Nitro Buggy:
Tiaan Oelofse had a field day. He kicked off an absolute fantastic and very successful racing day with a win. He beat the almost unbeatable Miguel Haasbroek and Miguel had to settle for 2nd place. JP Sweeck can be very stoked up with his 3rd place, which I am sure he was! Daniel de Azevedo ended 4th and Jan Vermeulen 5th. Then followed Paul Lombaard, Marco David and Jason Landsberg. All of these guys are of champion material. Fastest lap: Tiaan – 42.35s
Heat 3 Round 2 - Nitro Buggy:
Miguel won this 2nd round. Although Tiaan boasts the quickest lap, Miguel had a better average lap time. JP and Daniel swapped places and Daniel was now 3rd. Jason jumped up three places. Paul and Marco both slid down one place each. Best lap in this round: Tiaan – 42.33s
Heat 3 Round 3 - Nitro Buggy:
Again a close call between Tiaan and Miguel. Tiaan won yet again with Miguel in 2nd
JP regained the 3rd place. Jp was followed by Jan, Pail, Marco and Jason respectively.
Daniel had to quit after only 3 laps. Tiaan’s best lap – 42.08s. Miguel’s best lap – 42.09s
Heat 4 Round 1 - Nitro Truggy:
Chris vd Westhuizen won this truggy race. We saw Kyle Stoffberg in 2nd place and David Parkinson in 3rd. David was followed by Albie (Lammie), Wayne Smith, Ivan Nel, Allan Dyer and Dawid Bester, respectively. Charl Kemp and Johnny Claes did not start. Fastest lap: Chris – 43.95s
Heat 4 Round 2 - Nitro Truggy:
1st two positions the same, but now Albie forced Dawid out of 3rd place and into 4th. Wayne and Allan both improved remarkably, Dawid got more laps from his truggy and Johnny joined the race.
Charl couldn’t get his car to co operate and Ivan did not start. Best lap: Lammie – 43.7s.
Heat 4 Round3 - Nitro Truggy:
Kyle Stoffberg beat all the ‘grown-ups’. Good for you!! Albie ended 2nd and Wayne Smith 3rd.
A Final Truggy :
Kyle Stoffberg, who qualified 2nd, unfortunately was out of the race for more than 6 minutes. What a pity! This paved the way for Chris, Lammie and David to fight for the first three places on the podium.
Overall Truggy results:
C Final Buggy:
Willem Basson and Reynard Ceronio bumped up, while Gerhard Fourie unfortunately ran into trouble after only 5 laps.
B Final Buggy:
Jason Landsberg and Shaun Bands bumped up into A Mains. Congrats!!
That left Gavin Leisching to earn a 1st place on the podium, Jannie 2nd and Piet du Toit 3rd.
Well done guys!!
Best lap in this race: Jason Landsberg – 45.62sec.
A Final Buggy:
Tiaan and Miguel both achieved 40 laps. They both had averages of 45 seconds. They both had best laps of 42 seconds. But there must be a winner and …drum roll…this time it was Tiaan!
All 12 drivers in this race completed their race. I hope the novices can learn something from it; these guys must be doing something right, if they were all able to complete the 30 minute race with their buggies still intact. Do get some tips on maintenance, will you?
Once again: All 12 drivers were performing excellent! Great job!
Overall winners:
A very enjoyable race day was had by all. See you next time.
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