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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

Jan 2017 Nitro On Road

It was once again a pleasant day at the track in all facets. The weather was excellent and the turnout - especially for the 8th scale GT class – was very good. After many years, the 8th scale nitro cars are still very popular amongst nitro fans at our track. I like to refer to these cars as the “Beautiful Noise Class”   What an absolute joy?!

Yes, there were times in the past that this class was a bit ‘quiet’ for a couple of months, but they always return to the scene, sooner or later.  Currently the 8th scale pan cars are not so trendy here at Meyerton Raceway, but as soon as a couple of guys bring theirs on a regular base, the rest will slowly follow suit.  We are totally aware that there are other tracks/clubs in SA where 8th scale Pan cars are also very popular, but those clubs are very far from us and we are privileged to host a monthly event for those drivers that stay close by. And if we get drivers from that part of Gauteng that chose to attend our race meetings, which we often do - we then welcome them with open arms…

A special welcome to the two new (local) GT drivers, Johan Korff and Piet du Toit. Both used to drive in the 200mm class. Charmaine Wright is an old hand at the GT class, but with a brand new car, that wasn’t yet sorted out for serious racing, we didn’t get to see a lot of her on the track today.

It had also been a great pleasure to see Lucas Dillschnitter again, after a long absence.

  Lucas Dillschnitter

Okay, let’s get to the race:

200mm nitro:

Round 1:

Jason Landsberg won the race and he also boasts the fastest lap in this round – 16.37s.

Stephen Smith –held up by flameouts- was in 2nd place and Lucas in 3rd.

Ewald van der Neut, Jannie Holtzhausen and Marika weren’t ready and did not start.

Round 2:

Jason repeated his victory and also improved some more, now doing a best lap of 16.20s.

Stephen in 2nd again and he too improved on his fastest lap - 16.35s

Our lady driver, Marika Claes, expressed that she was battling with nerves, since she hasn’t competed in races for many months, but she did fine, ending in 3rd place.

Lucas and Ewald still experiencing car trouble and Jannie did not start.

Round 3:

Not a very satisfying round for any of the drivers. Nobody drove faster and for almost the whole race, there were only three drivers on the driver stand. Oh, okay, Lucas’s car lasted for the full 6 minutes of the race. Jason stayed on his winning path, with Lucas in 2nd and Marika again in 3rd .

Final Results 200mm Nitro:

  1. Jason Landsberg  - 95 laps Best lap 16.13s
  2. Ewald vd Neut     - 71 laps Best lap 19.27s
  3. Marika Claes        - 65 laps Best lap 19.73s
  4. Stephen Smith     - 35 laps Best lap 16.26s  
  5. Lucas Dillschnitter – 30 laps Best lap 16.95s


8th scale GT class :

Summary of the qualifiers:

Car 1 – Wayne Smith: Wayne won the 1st and 3rd qualy and ended 2nd in the 2nd round. His quickest lap was the 11th one in the 1st round – 16.88sec. Mmmm that’s the Wayne we know… Well done!

Car 2 – Piet du Toit: With his brand new body on a very good 2nd hand car, Piet joined this class for the very first time. Being an old hand at RC racing, on-road as well as off-road, Piet pulled this class off easily.  He achieved a best lap of 19 sec straight in the 3rd qualy, and I know that he came down significantly in the final race. Welcome to this class Piet. We expect to see much more of you in future.

Car 3 – Henry Ogden: Henry didn’t have much success on this day. The 1st round went well, but in the 2nd round the steering server’s arm came loose. And in the 3rd round he stripped the lock nuts on the gearbox. He tried to fix it for the finals, but to no avail.  

Car 4 – André Steenekamp:  I spoke to André just now to hear what his car trouble was all about, because I notice that he had been out of the race quite a bit in the 1st and 2nd rounds. His reply was: “The car has just stopped, for no reason at all!” He nevertheless recovered fully and ended 2nd in the 3rd qualifier round, with a fastest lap of 17.10 sec. Good for you!

Car 5 – Jacques Brits: Jacques got a 3rd place in the 1st round and a 4th place in the 3rd round. But his lap times were excellent right through the qualies! 17.70s, 17.74s and 17.27s respectively. That was good enough to secure him the 2nd place for the Finals.

Car 6 – Jakkie Landsberg:  Jakkie kept on improving on his own best laps throughout the qualifier rounds. For some reason he had a late start in the 3rd round, but other than that, he did just fine.

Car 7 – Charmaine Wright : As I’ve mentioned in my introduction paragraph, Charmaine hardly raced in the qualifiers. A brand new car that wasn’t sorted out yet, was the story behind that…

We hopefully will see her back in her rightful place next month..

Car 8 – Jannie Holtzhausen is one of those drivers; now you see him, now you don’t. But when he is on the driver stand, you have to take note of him. He ended 3rd in the 2nd qualifier round.

Car 9 – Johnny Claes: We know Johnny for quite some time now and have come to know him as a very skillful driver. He once again showed us that he is up to any challenge, by giving Wayne, our current GT king, a good run for his money. Johnny’s best lap during the qualies – 17.09s. Great job!!!!!

Car 10 – Johan Korff: Johan surprised all of us and even more so, himself, by finding himself amongst the top 4 drivers more than often. He even managed to make a notch on his tally for ending 3rd in the third qually! Best lap – 18.21s.. We are happy for you, Johan.

Final Results – 1/8th GT:

  1. Wayne Smith – 98 laps Best lap 17.02s
  2. Jacques Brits – 93 laps  Best lap 17.08s
  3. Jakkie Landsberg – 88 laps Best lap 18.21s
  4. Andre Steenekamp – 63 laps Best lap 17.74s
  5. Jannie Holzhausen – 59 laps Best lap 19.33s

Best presented RC body award:

Piet du Toit – Congratulations!

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