Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.
A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.
Customary to this time of the year in South Africa, the day started out quite chilly. Well, it never actually turned into a warm day, but it was really tolerable for the largest part of the day.
To have 39 entries on a special day like Father’s Day tells us that the dads amongst us clearly made their RC passion known to their family members. Apart from those we knew that had to work and those who were hibernating, we were pretty much satisfied with the attendance.
Those of you, I am not mentioning any names, that blackmailed their kids into joining them in the race, I am sure that you are already forgiven. Maybe we have enticed them (Bianka and Logan) into taking up RC racing again?
Get Well Soon, Nathan!
One of the younger drivers, Nathan Steyn, was operated on the previous day to have his appendix removed. We wish him a speedy recovery. His grandpa, Piet du Toit was driving his TTO1 class for the day. A pity that Nathan could not benefit from it by scoring some points, hey?
It was also the last race meeting of the current 6-month series.
Race control had subsequently decided to run one less qualifier than normally, to allow for some extra time to wrap up the scores and determine the drivers’ positions before prize giving could take place. We thank all the drivers for being patient with us. The fact that the May race meeting was abandoned due to rain, complicated things a bit.
Let me start with the top three positions in each class of the first 6-month series of 2017:
(Please note that one throw-away applies)
540 Stock touring:
Mini class:
TTO1 Stock:
21.5 Touring:
17.5 Touring:
Congrats to you all!
The June race:
Heat 1 - Mini:
Paul won the qualifier round and he also achieved the quickest lap - 22.7 sec
Ewald ended 2nd and Piet 3rd.
In the 1st of the two final legs it was Paul in the lead again, and Ewald in second place agai,b but this time Francois Bam moved into the 3rd place.
Paul improved to a 22.07 this time.
Paul shot himself in the foot when he started late. Apparently he did not hear the announcement, due to an alleged faulty speaker. He nevertheless made up for lost time in a BIG way, when he came through from the last position right up to third. He also dramatically improved – under such pressure - on his previous best time, when he completed no less than 10 laps of 21.-somethingh! Best lap – 21.24s. Well done!
Heat 2 – Beginner class:
Bianka de Beer, not at all new to RC, but being out of practice for about four years, returned with her dad André, as a special Father’s Day ‘sacrifice’. She took an early lead, after competing in the Mini class, minutes before.
Armand Mayer, 1st time competitor at Meyerton Raceway, ended second, and Chae-Mari Smit ended third.
Lauren Winiecki ended 4th and she was followed by Theresa Poalses. Darryl Smith, I think it was his 2nd time competing in a club race, had difficulties with his car.
In the 1st final leg, each and every one of the six drivers improved on their previous best lap time.
In the final leg things went well for Bianka, Chae-Mari and Darryl. Lauren and Armand, on the other hand, suffered loads of car trouble. Theresa did not start.
Due to her participation in two other classes, apart from the beginner class, Bianka gladly agreed to withdraw from the prize giving ceremony in this class. Unfortunately Darryl Smit left before the prize giving and we decided to award the 3rd prize trophy to the next person, namely Armand Mayer.
Please note: We really want ALL drivers to stay for prize giving. The abovementioned scenario may take place at any given time. And anyway; it leaves a bad taste in the mouth if you are not willing to stay and share in the joy of achievement of your racing buddies. I know there may be circumstances that urge a driver to leave, but PLEASE try and stay.
Heat 3 - 540 Touring:
Giovanni Toldo is joining us more and more frequently these days and we are really glad for this. Thank you, Artur for inviting some of your acquaintances all the way from Pretoria.
Giovanni won this round and he also boasts the fastest lap – 20.78s
Anzea ended 2nd and André de Beer 3rd.
Anette – that’s me- lost her battery as a result of a collision with another car.
Artur beats his buddy in the 1st of the two final legs.
(All the drivers drove much faster laps: I think it was due to the temperature of the tar road that became warmer than that of the early morning.)
Giovanni ended 2nd and André Steenekamp ended in 3rd position.
Guess what? Anette’s car was knocked out of her battery yet again!
In the final leg of the day in this class, the drivers were really speeding up. We saw several 19 second laps. The best one for the day belongs to André Steenekamp – 19.17s
Artur won this round again.
André Steenekamp withdrew from prize giving. It is not a class that he normally competes in, he just tested a motor for future use in a class that will be implemented…
Heat 4 – 21.5 Touring:
These eight competitors are very close in their capabilities. And they are all very consistent drivers; their best laps and their average lap time are very close.
Ewald vd Neut ended 1st and he was followed by Piet du Toit.
Paul Langenhoven took 3rd.
Ewald’s best lap – 19.28s
In the 1st final leg Rolan Ferreira was seen in 1st place again, which is a very familiar place for him to be in..
Ewald was pushed down to 2nd.
Kevin Gates ended 3rd.
Paul Langenhoven claimed the 1st place for himself in the last leg. Rolan found himself in 2nd place and Ewald ended 3rd.
Heat 5 – TTO1 stock:
Rolan was - and usually is – the uncontested winner in this class.
(According to him (and his allegation is supported by the print-out) his 1st leg wasn’t registered on the timing system - transponder failure.
André de Beer only raced in this round and then quit this class for the rest of the day. Apparently his car would not turn properly.
Piet du Toit drove consistently and achieved a 3rd place throughout the day.
Henry Ogden quit after 7 laps when screws came undone in the 1st qualie. He missed the 1st final leg and rejoined them for the final…then he discovered that his battery was flat.
Bianka de Beer and her brother, Francois Bam’s transponders got mixed up. But if I switch their names from the time they got mixed up, it seems that Francois ended 2nd in the 1st leg and he has won the last leg. Well done!
Quickest lap in this class today – 20.49s by Rolan Ferreira.
Heat 6 – 17.5 touring:
8 drivers competed in this class. JP Sweeck won two out of three races.
Kevin Gates ended 2nd, 3rd and 2nd again, respectively.
Harry Wilesmith, the very skilled driver, known for his consistent diving, that we know for many years now, won overall in this class, but he withdrew from the prize giving.
Michael Glaus only participated in the 1st qualie and his lap times were quite good!
André Steenekamp once again proofed that he has mastered this RC thing. He completed 19 laps in every round. Best lap – 17.78s
Logon Burger honored us with one of his rare visits – obviously inspired by the Fathers day spirit – took part in the first two race of the day and did exceptionally well. Best lap – 17.44s.
Marius Burger, although he is an excellent driver, is not a guy that takes RC very serious. Somewhere..some time, someone must have pi…ed him off quite badly?
Marius picked up car trouble in the first heat, but was back in full force for the final legs. Best lap time today – 17.45s
* Marius also withdrew from prize giving *
André de Beer entered, but I only realize now, as I am typing this report, that he never took part. I will gladly refund him his entry fee, next time.
Quickest lap for the day: JP – 16.44s. Congratulations!!
Best presented car of the day: Giovanni Toldo
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