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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

June 2017 Nitro On Road & prize giving


One of the first guys to arrive at the track said that the temperature was exactly 0.00 degrees when he looked at his car’s temperature gauge. By the time (about 8am) that I went out to the tack with all the admin stuff and milk and so forth for the cappuccinos, it wasn’t so cold at any more. By ten, almost everyone was already stripped down to T shirts only. I then took Henry’s heat gauge, or whatever you call that thingy,  and found that the temp has risen to 26.5 degrees..! What I am trying to say, is: It was a beautiful day!!

And by the way; It was probably the 1st  time ever that no one needed to use a club transponder!

PT's all around..!!  Yeah!!!


The drivers were much the same than it was in May: 

Eight in the 8th scale GT’s and just two in the 10th scale class.

Heat 1   Round 1 -   200mm Nitro Touring:

Jason Landsberg raced 17 laps on his own, after Stephen’s car broke down in the warming up session.

Jason’s best lap – 16.91s

Heat 1  Round 2  -  200mm Nitro Touring:

Stephen returned to the scene for round two. Now it was Jason’s turn to run into car trouble after a mere 8 laps. He nevertheless improved to a 15.84s before he retired.

Stephen completed 17 laps with a quickest one of 15.51s. Nice!!

Heat 1  Round 3  -  200mm Nitro Touring:

Stephen could not improve on his best lap, but he DID improve on his average lap time. He now succeeded in doing 18 laps.

Jason suffered a two minute flameout and completed 12 laps.

The 30 minute final:

As always it had been a very exciting and entertaining race to have watched.  Unfortunately Stephen started picking up trouble after 17 laps. He returned to the race, but bad luck returned after 21 more fabulous laps, including his best lap – 15.43s. He then quit the race.

Jason drove uninterrupted for exactly 20 minutes ( 69 laps). And then his car broke and ended the day’s racing for him as well. He did however succeed in improving to a faster lap time – 15.57s.

Nice, guys…Thank you for always entertaining us with brilliant racing.



Heat 2  Round 1 – 1/8th scale GT:

Wayne Smith took back his habitual 1st place, but not without fierce competition in the form of André Steenekamp and Piet du Toit. All three of them achieved 20 laps.

Then came Jacques Brits, Jakkie Landsberg, Johan Barnard and Hein Korff.

Henry did not start. He had customers that needed his attention in the hobby shop.

Heat 2  Round 2 – 1/8th scale GT:

Wayne beat André to the finishing line again. The both of them equaled their previous 20 laps.

This time they were followed by Jakkie Landsberg in 3rd.

Jakkie, Jacques and Hein all completed 19 laps.

Henry managed to start, but a broken con rod forced him out of the race…for the remainder of the day.  Piet  quit after only three laps, when his gearbox was giving problems.

Wayne’s best lap – 17.06s.

Heat 2  Round 3 – 1/8th scale GT:

Wayne won yet again…this time with a best lap of 16.98s. 21 laps.

Piet followed in 2nd and André in 3rd place. Both 20 laps.

Johan Barnard , with a much better average now, moved into 4th position. 19 laps.

Jacques was driving pretty fast in this round, but his car only lasted for 10 laps.Hein, Jakkie and Henry did not start.

The 30 minute  GT final:

Wayne had a flawless race. He achieved 97 laps. Best lap – 16.92s. Well done!!

Jacques, in 2nd place, boasts the fastest lap time in this class for today, but with a flameout or two, he could only master 93 laps.  Best lap – 16.74s. WOW!!

Piet ended in a well deserved 3rd place with 89 laps behind his name.

Hein Korff, who was sitting in 2nd place for a big part of the race, lost concentration at some point and made some dreadful mistakes that cost him dearly. Apparently the arrival of a cabriolet at the track caught his eye  - and attention – while he was supposed to concentrate on the car he was driving!  Hein completed 88 laps. Good for you!

André has got 87 laps behind his name and Johan Barnard 83.

Jakkie Landsberg retired early on and Henry did not start.


Best presented car of the day – Hein Korff.


6 month Prize Giving:

200mm Nitro

  1. Jason Landsberg
  2. Stephen Smith


1/8th GT:

  1. Wayne Smith
  2. Jacques Brits
  3. André Steenekamp

 Ah...isn't this sweet??

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!!!!!

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