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A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.
Not one of the biggest races, but still a pleasant day, spent with friends an more than just a little competitiveness. The squatting list shows 4 1/10th scale drivers and 6 8th scale GT drivers.
A couple of guys also come to practice on the off road track.
Wayne Smith had a brand new and freshly painted body for his GT and it was the obvious choice for our Best Presented RC body of the Day award. Congratulations!
Below: Wayen Smith
200mm Nitro Touring:
Round 1:
Jason Landsberg had a beautiful start to the day’s racing. A bit of a slow start, but from then on it was smooth sailing for him. His best lap – 16.94s
Stephen Smith achieved 14 laps before he retired from the race. His quickest lap – 16.65s
Both Francois Geyser and Henry Ogden struggled to get going…
Round 2:
Jason won this round as well. Unfortunately there was one flameout that reduced his average lap time, but he still achieved 17 laps, of which the fastest one was 16.21s
Stephen Smith had less success and quit racing after 13 laps, but still boasts a couple of extremely quick laps, of which 16.13s had been the best one.
Francois Geyser completed the race and Henry Ogden picked up car trouble (again) before the end of the race.
Round 3:
Jason won yet again, this time with a brilliant best lap of 15.75s lap! Wow, congrats!
Stephen ran into bad luck again. He had to quit after a mere 3 laps, after he broke a control arm on his car.
Francois moved into 2nd place and at the same time starting to get laps faster than ever before. Well done! You are now REALLY getting the hang of this!
Henry’s car just would not play along and he quit after 4 laps, for the rest of the day. He says he has to get the gearbox and clutches in good working order before he will give it another try.
Final 200mm Nitro Touring:
Jason got 101 laps behind his name. Good job! Best lap – 15.79s
Francois completed 75 laps Best lap – 18.87s
Stephen stopped racing after 60 laps. Best lap – 16.37s
Henry DNS.
8th scale GT:
Round 1:
Wayne won the race, with fierce competition from André Steenekamp. Both completed 20 laps.
André’s average almost matches that of Wayne.. Watch out, Wayne, here comes André!
Wayne’s fastest lap - 16.82s.
Piet du Toit was close to André, with 19 laps.
Henry ended 4th
Jakkie Landsberg and Jacques Brits were both hampered by flameouts.
Round 2:
André and Wayne both achieved 20 laps, with André in the lead this time. André’s quickest lap – 16.97s
Wayne either had a flameout or he must have overturned his car. Best lap – 16.99s
Jakkie ended 3rd and Piet 4th. Both completed the race without any hassles.
Henry also completed the whole race without trouble, but Jacques did not start.
Round 3:
Both Andre and Wayne performed a little worse than in the first two rounds, both completed 19 laps. André won the race, but Wayne had the fastest best lap.
Jakkie shed his car trouble and with only one little hiccup, he now finished 3rd with 18 laps completed.
Henry completed the race - 17 laps.
Jacques Brits, being out of the race for almost half of the time, completed 11 laps.
Piet quit after 8 laps.
Final GT race:
Quite an interesting and really exciting Final! There was no sure winner before the hooter has blown for the finish. There were moments during the race that Jakkie Landsberg looked like the driver that was going to walk away with the 1st prize. But in the end it was Jacques Brits that took the honors. He completed 91 laps. Average 19.88 and best lap 17.02s.
Jakkie ended 2nd with 90 laps completed.
(Quickest lap of this race belongs to Wayne – 16.98s)
This is a very unusual situation, because we all know that Wayne and André are hard to beat. But on this day, the tables were turned…drastically!
Piet, as we also know by now, is a driver to reckon with, and he showed his potential once again by ending 3rd. Well done!
Wayne ended 4th with 80 laps behind him and André 5th with 65 laps.
Henry already quit after 41 laps.
We hope that the warmer Spring weather will bring more of the racers back to this discipline next month.
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