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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

December 2017 club race & Prize giving

We decided to combine the nitro and the electric on road race for this event. The main reason was to save the drivers, of which some stay quite far away, an extra trip. The other reason was to allow ourselves and the drivers one more ‘free’ Sunday during the holiday season.


This event was also the 10th birthday of Meyerton Raceway Club & Race Track.

A certificate was handed to Henry as a token of appreciation.


Although we anticipated rain on this very important race day, we were fortunate to have had good weather for many hours; the first rain only started to fall when the last race of the day was on. The rain shower soon stopped, but not before it caused havoc to our race results that were still on the notice board.


And the dark clouds that were still hovering over the tracks had a really negative impact on my podium pictures. Preparing the trophy table and numerous other duties, didn’t leave my enough time to change settings on my (cell phone) camera. Sorry about the poor quality of my photos.


We were however pleasantly surprised when we found that Jason Landsberg, whom we normally see in several electric on road classes, as well as the 200mm (10th scale) nitro class, has entered for the 8th scale GT class.  And of course he did an awesome job of driving in this class, too! He completed 97 laps in 30 minutes with his dad’s GT. Whoop whoop!!



Receiver of Best Presented RC Body of the Day award:

Francois Geyser


December 2017 monthly race results:

Beginner class:

  1. Esmarie Geyser           Best lap 21.45s
  2. James Theron
  3. Ruan Brauer


Electric Mini:

  1. Jakkie Landsberg            Bets lap 21.33s
  2. Jason Landsberg
  3. Ewald vd Neut

1/10th  (200mm) Nitro Touring:

  1. Francois Geyser             Best lap 18.33s
  2. Henry Ogden

540 Electric Touring:

  1. Piet du Toit                     Best lap 19.59s
  2. Henry Ogden
  3. Anzea Pretorius


8th scale GT Nitro:

  1. Wayne Smith                 Completed 101 beautiful laps!!!! Average 17.8s Congrats!!!
  2. Jason Landsberg
  3. Piet du Toit

Best lap: 16.56s by André Steenekamp, who unfortunately had to quit due to a stripped spur gear.

21.5  Electric Touring:

  1. Freddie Kotze                        Best lap 18.27s
  2. Piet du Toit
  3. Derek Sardini


TTO Stock:

  1. Nathan Steyn  
  2. James Theron          Best lap 24.54s
  3. Henry Ogden


17.5 Electric Touring:

  1. Jason landsberg
  2. Jakkie Landsberg
  3. Kevin Gates          Best lap 15.60s

6 month series (July to December 2017):

17.5 Electric Touring:

  1. Kevin Gates
  2. André Steenekamp
  3. Jason Landsberg

21.5 Electric Touring:

  1. Kevin Gates
  2. Henry Ogden
  3. Ewald van der Neut

540 class:

  1. Piet du Toit
  2. Henry Ogden
  3. Anzea Pretorius

Electric Mini:

  1. Ewald vd Neut
  2. Janu Lombard
  3. Jason Landsberg

TTO1 stock:

  1. Rolan Ferreira
  2. Louis Nortje  absent
  3. Janu Lombard  absent

10th scale Nitro:

  1. Jason Landsberg
  2. Francois Geyser
  3. Heny Ogden

8th scale GT :

  1. Wayne Smith
  2. Jacques Brits
  3. Piet du Toit

2017 Overall winners:

17.5 Touring:

  1. Kevin Gates
  2. André Steenekamp
  3. Jason Landsberg



21.5 Touring:

  1. Kevin Gates
  2. Henry Ogden
  3. Ewald vd Neut


540 Touring:

  1. Anzea Petorius
  2. Artur Winiecki
  3. Henry Ogden


Electric Mini:

  1. Ewald vd Neut
  2. Janu Lombard
  3. Jakkie Landsberg

TTO1 stock:

  1. Rolan Ferreira
  2. Janu Lombard
  3. Henry Ogden


10th scale (200mm) Nitro:

  1. Jason Landsberg
  2. Stephen Smith
  3. Francois Geyser


1/8th Nitro GT:

  1. Wayne Smith
  2. Jacques Brits
  3. André Steenekamp

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