Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.
A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.
Hosting a RC race right in the middle of winter in South Africa normally starts cold in the morning, but become quite nice later on. No exception this time.
It could have been much worse; we’ve seen temperatures of close to freezing point in the past. Instead, this time we saw layers of clothing being shed until bare arms were exposed to the winter sun.
Female driver Esmarie Geyser showed up with her freshly painted GT Body.
She was given the Best Presented RC car Body of the Day award. Congratulations!
8th scale GT Qualifiers:
Round 1:
Andre Steenekamp left his radio’s battery at home. (Remember last week he left his Electric Mini at home?) He had to miss the qualifier rounds in order to rush back home to fetch his battery. Plus minus 50 kilometres extra, eish…not good, André..
Johan Korff led the pack of 8 drivers. He also achieved the fastest lap time of them all – 17.64s
Charmaine Wright ended in 2nd place and Henry Ogden in 3rd.
Anzea Pretorius didn’t do too badly at all, but the rest of the 8 drivers had more car trouble than they could handle.
Round 2:
Johan Korff won yet again, this time with a faster best lap – 17.47 seconds. Korff was followed by Piet du Toit and Charmaine had to settle for 3rd place. All three drivers completed 19 laps and all three of them scored an average of 19 seconds.
Henry had one short flame out and that gave Francois the gap to move up one place ahead of him.
Anzea improved somewhat and so did Esmarie.
Round 3 :
In the absence of Korff, Piet took the advantage to win this round. Henry ended 2nd and Chramaine 3rd.
Round 4:
A fourth round was added to accommodate André, who has now back from his home with his radio’s battery. And guess who have won the race? Yes, André was ready-to-race at last. Hahaha
Piet achieved some more brilliantly fast laps of just 16 seconds and was placed in a well deserved 2nd place.
In the mean time, Esmarie decided to quit racing for today, after being hit by other drivers one time too many…. She decided that to pit for her husband Francois would bring her more joy. Francois benefitted from this decision and ended 3rd.
Charmaine equaled Francois’ s 18 laps, but ended 4th.
Henry and Korff both got 17 laps and Anzea completed 15 laps.
GT Final:
Korff won the race convincingly after completing 92 beautiful laps. Quickest lap – 17.62 sec. Great job!
Charmaine and Henry both completed 76 laps, but Charmaine earned the 2nd place because of her (much) better average lap time.
Francois followed with 74 laps and then came Anzea with 70 laps. How she managed to get 70 laps is a miracle, because the loose back wing was swinging the whole car around, almost all of the time.
The diff stripped inside Piet’s car and he retired from the race after 23 laps.
Unfortunately André stripped all his gears and had to quit after a mere 14 laps. All his effort to rush home in vain… He did however bag 6 laps of 17 seconds - best lap 17.07s - before he quitted.
Overall GT results - June 2018:
6 month series champs:
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