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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

October 2018 NITRO GT


A very small race, on a HOT summer's day,  but we at least had two lady drivers to add some spice to this month’s club race.


BELOW: Johan Korff's pitcrew

Esmarie joined her husband Francois Geyser on the driver stand to take part in the 8th scale GT race.

She also joined him at  the podium, to claim her part of the fame, for her contribution in painting the car..

And Charmaine Wright was here to compete in this exciting class as usual.

BELOW: Francois & Esmarie Geyser 


Rolan Ferreira made a comeback, after performing so well last time.

Piet du Toit, Francois and Johan (Hein) Korff are old hands by now and they were all here. Henry (track owner) had a terribly busy week and he did not have time to fix whatever was broken on his GT, so he just took care of the administrative functions this time around.

Although there were so few entries, the drivers showed up with some beautiful, freshly painted RC bodies and subsequently made it hard to choose only one car as the award winning Best Presented Body. The yellow Corvette, painted by Francois ultimately received the trophy. Congratulations.

Round 1:

This round was won by Johan Korff . And although Francois equaled his 15 laps and they both completed best laps of 19. something seconds, Korff’s better average earned him the 1st place.

Charmaine and Rolan scores 13 laps each and Esmarie 12. Piet did not start.

Round 2:

Rolan won this round and Korff had to be content with a 2nd place. Piet now joined the other drivers and ended 3rd.

Esmarie had a late start and so did Francois, because he and Henry spent time trying to get her on the track first.

Charmaine had car trouble.

Round 3:

Johan took his 1st place back and also boasts a best lap of 18.87s

Piet ended 2nd and Francois 3rd. This time Esmarie equaled her husband’s 11 laps. Charmaine and Rolan both picked up car trouble.

Round 4:

Although Korff could not get another 18 second lap, he still ended in 1st place. (19.09s)

Rolan ended 2nd and Francois 3rd .

Piet struggled with a non-cooperating car.Esmarie was doing well, but Piet and Charmaine still battling with their cars.

Final 30 minute GT race:

Korff won this race with two more laps (84) behind his name than Rolan who ended 2nd. Rolan’s best lap – 18.77s. This achievement was reached in his 82nd lap. Wow!!!! Well done, Rolan!

(It seems that Rolan had a late start, as well. ) Look out, Korff, he is coming for you!

Piet took the 3rd place on the podium – 78 laps

Both Francois and Esmarie were held back by car trouble.

Charmaine did not start.

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