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Welcome to Meyerton RC

Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.

A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.




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Meyerton RC Raceway Racing

May 2019 electric club race

Another pleasant day was had by all in Sunny South Africa! More specifically, in Meyerton Gauteng.


At the track, we were spoilt with excellent weather. Even our current “ice block woman” Esmarie got rid of her jacket quite early in the morning.. And THAT tells a story on its own.

Track owner, Henry Ogden, happy and satsified with the new LiveTime timing system. 


We were a bit more confident with the new timing system, after Henry and André spent many more hours doing dummy races with it. The race went almost flawless. Seeing that we sort of expected a couple more hiccups, we are now actually super chuffed with the way things went on this race meeting.   But eish, when trying to publish the results later that evening, we had to call Andre again for assistance. Thank you, André.

News Maker of the day:

Newby Charl de Lange made his 1st ever appearance in a RC race. As there were no other Beginners, he was put straight into the TTO1 class. And oh boy, did he make an impression?! See TTO1 results.



Best Presented RC body of the day went to Piet du Toit. Congratulations!



HEAT   1 : Electric Mini:

Best lap of the day:

Mike Micia’s fastest lap for the day – 20.91s

Andre Steenekamp’s fastest lap   - 21.43s

Leon van Rooyen’s fastest lap – 21.50s

Francois Geyser’s fastest lap – 23.24s

OVERALL Mini results:

  1. André Steenekamp
  2. Mike Miscia
  3. Leon van Rooyen

HEAT 2 : 540 Touring:

Gert Fourie excelled today!! Well done, Gert!

Best lap of the day:

Piet du Toit’s quickest lap – 18.45s   Whoop whoop!

Gert’s quickest lap - 19.74s

Erich van Rooyen’s quickest lap - 20.84s

James Theron’s quickest lap – 22.01s

OVERALL 540 results:

  1. Gert Fourie
  2. Erich van Rooyen
  3. Piet du Toit


Young Owen Stevens, also very new to RC racing, did excellent today. Congrats!

Charl de Lange, total novice, WOW!!! No words…

Best lap of the day:

Charl de Lange’s best lap – 22.05s

Nathan Steyn’s best lap – 22.16s

Erich’s best lap – 22.32s

Owen Steven’s best lap – 22.39s

Ruan Visagie’s best lap - 23.72s

OVERALL TTO1 results:

  1. Erich van Rooyen
  2. Owen Stevens
  3. Nathan Steyn

HEAT 4 : 21.5 Touring:

A class that has grown since it is once again an open class .

Best lap of the day:

Leon van Rooyen - 18.32s

Mike Miscia – 19.10s

Piet du Toit - 19.17s

Esmarie Geyser -   20.05s

Gert Fourie / Charl?? - 19.85s

James Theron   - 20.61s

Francois Geyser - 19.45s

Martin Stevens - 20.55s

Henry Ogden - 20.07s

OVERALL 21.5 touring results:

  1. Leon van Rooyen
  2. Mike Miscia
  3. Piet du Toit

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