Welcome to Meyerton RC Clubs’ Website, please feel free to browse our site for upcoming events and archives of past events.
A bit of background info: The founding meeting was held at the home of Henry Ogden, that is adjacent to the tracks, on December 10 th 2008.
After a couple of ‘dry’ months, we were in a position to host a reasonable off road club race for a change. The guys that we actually depended on to come and race, never joined us (apart from Vincent, that only joined us for the Final 30 minute race)
One of the first guys to arrive at the track said that the temperature was exactly 0.00 degrees when he looked at his car’s temperature gauge. By the time (about 8am) that I went out to the tack with all the admin stuff and milk and so forth for the cappuccinos, it wasn’t so cold at any more. By ten, almost everyone was already stripped down to T shirts only. I then took Henry’s heat gauge, or whatever you call that thingy, and found that the temp has risen to 26.5 degrees..! What I am trying to say, is: It was a beautiful day!!
Customary to this time of the year in South Africa, the day started out quite chilly. Well, it never actually turned into a warm day, but it was really tolerable for the largest part of the day.
To have 39 entries on a special day like Father’s Day tells us that the dads amongst us clearly made their RC passion known to their family members. Apart from those we knew that had to work and those who were hibernating, we were pretty much satisfied with the attendance.
We have 14 guests and no members online